Every once in a while, Mother likes to dig out her old recipe cards and whip up something special for dinner. Tonight is one of those extra-special occasions. We're celebrating Mother's recent weight loss (10 pounds in 2 days! It really pays to get the stomach flu when you're morbidly obese, just ask Mother!). I am so excited, I can't wait to be let out of my room!
Mother likes to have a full course meal when celebrating any sort of weight loss. Our meal will begin with scrumptious Fish Balls and a Chilled Celery Log for appetizers. Once we've had our fill of balls and logs we'll move on to the Jellied Tomato Refreshers (my favorite YUM!), which are quite good. We don't have brandy snifters, so we just use Dad's beer mugs. I like to pretend I'm getting drunk, which usually elicits a laugh from Sissy and a hearty thumpin' from Dad. After we've drained our mugs of the jellied tomatoes, with much fanfare Mother delivers the main course to the table: Liver Pate en Masque, Mmmmmmm! I usually have two helpings of this 'cause it's my very favorite of all meals Mother cooks (besides the Chef's Surprise, which is usually all leftovers thrown into a pan and baked at 350 for 30 minutes. Oh my god, my mouth is salivating!). Of course, the best is always saved for last: dessert! Tonight is gonna be a surprise, but I sincerely hope it's the Fluffy Mackerel Pudding! Mother usually makes an extra cup just for me, as it's my favoritest of all desserts in the whole wide world! I am so happy right now I could just... oh. I just did. Well, I must change my underpants now!
No, silly willy! Those are her recipe cards! She didn't actually take those photos!
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