30 years ago an effects-heavy, character-driven, cultural zeitgiest spectacle lit up the imaginations of people everywhere. No, I'm not talking about that tiny space movie called Star Wars, but about the era-defining, pop-culture phenomenon which was Three's Company.
"Come on knock on our doooor/We've been waiting for yooooou." That's how the immensely catchy theme song started. It tended to stick in your head and nearly drive you batty with the surpy-smooth vocals and sing-songy beat. By the summer of '77 nearly every TV watcher in the country was practically banging down the door to catch a glimpse of the often-tired, always-cliched, and instantly old-fashioned TV threesome of Jack, Janet and Chrissy. The laughs were cheap, the action stagey, and the dialogue rote, but somehow these three magical creatures wormed there way into our hearts for eight solid seasons.