It seems I can no longer rent terrible movies. I mean, I thought that out of the hundreds I watch each and every month that at least one would be a bad movie. Not so. Case in point: Mannequin, starring the ravishing Kim Cattrall and the far-from-idiotic Andrew McCarthy, is one of the best movies I've seen in quite some time.
The story goes like this: In ancient Egypt, a wild, reckless, blonde American-Egyptian named Emmy pleaded with God to let her live forever--or at least until she can experience life and find true love. God, being the magician he is, decides to grant her the wish--but with one caveat: she must live with a curse her entire life. Evidently the curse is being a mannequin throughout history. In a cute, expertly animated intro we learn that Emmy has been a part of almost every milestone in human history. Da Vinci's muse? Check. Christopher Columbus new world expedition? Check. First woman to wear a sanitary napkin? Check. In short, she's been around.